Alex Rodriguez, the linchpin to every brainless baseball fans argument has finally admitted to using steroids. The argument often went, Barry Bonds, the villain and known substance abuser, should never get into the hall of fame, and if he did, he would certainly get his record broken by the young pure of heart, not to mention tremendously talented A(xle)-rod. A-Rod was born with the skill to beat Bonds record fair and square and return baseball to the its purest form.
Well, A-Rod has finally admitted to using steroids during his record breaking and MVP winning seasons throughout 2001-2003. To me, honestly, for people to put their hopes on A-Rod was always a long shot. I mean, can you name another baseball player who tried to slap the first baseman's glove to get to first safe in the playoffs?
I am not saying that we need to villainize A-Rod, I am just saying its nice to be vindicated by events.
Baseball is a wonderful sport and is purely American. That is, when Americans are racists they don't allow black people to play professional ball. When Americans love watching steroid freaks hit home runs rather than focusing on the finer points of the game, that is what America gets. So sit back, relax, and get ready for baseball (I would prefer my baseball to be an equal oppurtunity employer and without steroids, please)!
Albert Pujols?
ReplyDeleteAnd when I heard Axle used them I was like.
Noo Waayyy!
psych. I was like
I thought there was a good chance of that.
I just hope if pujols used them he don't get caught(I don't think he did, but he is like 38), or we'll have to root for Stylin Ryan Howard to save the day.