Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Massive Hondage

Set of facts:

1. America has been a consumer driven economy.
2. Christmas is the the largest consumer event of the year.

So, christmas is the source of American companies revenues.

3. The current recession has hit consumers harder than we have seen in our recent past.

This is going to create massive competition among retailers vying for fewer sales dollars.

So, save up or get a part time job, strap in, and get ready for some mega deals! Soon will be the time for upgrading all your electronic needs.


  1. My reciver cuts out like a mofo. Maybe I will get a new 1,000 channel surround setup. Also, I have been wanting to sell my 42" tv for something 60+".

  2. All I want for christmas is the verizon 'Droid' phone and a kegerator.

    that isn't too much, is it?

    And I think I'm going to buy one so if I ever want a real keg it will fit.
