Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Guess Who?

These are the lyrics to a newish song. Try to guess without looking it up, then look it up if you have too.

One sip ain't gunna do shit
on the 2nd sip i begin to admit
that the 3rd one down is what makes me feel alright
and number 4 i slam down to the floor
by 5 im ready to fight all night
an then 6, 7, 8 to make me break your face sometimes


  1. it is godsmack in their new hit single 'whiskey hangover'

    I'm about to go pick up some good ole jd for the night.

    ps. I went 3 for 3 going a homerun shy of the cycle in my game tonight. My double was a ground rule and would have been a triple too. it was the first time I've hit the ball with real authority all season, which means i think i'm adjusted to slow pitch softball now.

  2. My triple I was trying to walk, on a 2-1 pitch that was too perfect to take. I'll try hard next week
