Thursday, May 14, 2009

Year 1 Round Up

1st Semester

Work: College of Optics Library (I put books away)

Classes: 1 A, 2 B (Not the happiest)

2nd Semester

Work: Research Assistant (Didn't accomplish much, but I learned a lot)

Classes: 1 A, 1 B, 1 C (I get to repeat the last course....fuck yeah!)

This Summer

Work: Unemployed (Interviewed with an Aerospace firm, but I think they feared that I would take over by the end of the summer)

Plans: Work out, 'bate, Watch Cubs


  1. That's too bad, does the failing grade affect your plan of study?

  2. Not really that much. I am already taking electives. The biggest concern is taking the preliminary exams which determine if I go on, but that isn't until year three.
