Monday, December 5, 2011

Ron Santo elected to Hall of Fame

It came too late, but Ronnie is finally in the Hall. Now we have to push for Mark Grace (maybe that's just me?)


  1. So, it just had to be post-humous? What a disgrace.

  2. I don't get why now. If he wasn't deserving in the past him dying shouldn't change that.

  3. That's the sad part, he WAS deserving of it.

  4. I don't care if he was or not. Having to listen to him makes me think no one liked him because he was annoying. Because of this he couldn't make it into the Hall.

    Now that he is dead and no longer annoying they can look at the career he had.

    Too soon?

  5. I think this may have been influenced by the Alabama-LSU rematch. I think people are already regretting that and hence we are trying to right as many wrongs as possible. I wanted to see OSU vs. LSU. Roll over Tide already. Geez.

    As for Ron. He had no legs man!

  6. That is an interesting theory. I agree that if he's worthy now he was a while back when he was still alive. It would have made a good Guy very happy and someone who pushed through a lot of pain to give to the game and his fans. Simply, this is a disgrace and its really a black eye to the Hall.

  7. Summed up my feelings perfectly.
