The urinal in said bathroom is fucking retarded. No matter what direction you piss into the thing, you are going to get some splashback. It can't be avoided. Obviously you don't pee straight into the back of the thing, you angle it a bit so it slightly curves against the back and not straight back at you. Still sprays everywhere. The floor immediately in front of the thing is SOAKED in a urine shaped circle. Again, you can't do anything about it in it's current state. This has bothered me for quite some time.
One day (And for the life of me I can't remember where the fuck I was [And you know what, the more I think about it, this may have happened in a dream. That's how much this whole urinal issue really annoys me]), I used the bathroom at a local establishment and the urinal there was magical. It was kinda like this but the sides were higher and the hole for peeing into was smaller so to keep splashback down:
There was no spalshback! If there was, the sides would just catch it. Oh my god it was awesome. This got me thinking about other great urinal designs and these are some that I found.
These aren't bad, but sometimes your shoes get a little splash damage on them:
Fucking love these. Sure there's no privacy but there sure as hell isn't any splashback either:
This apparently is some kind of godly urinal (Looks like a vagina to me). There's more info here:
This last one is by far my favorite though. Just stand back at the edge and let it go:
Why is there no universally accepted perfect urinal? You'd think someone would create it and everyone would jump on board and buy them up. You guys have any tales of terrible urinals? I know Sawsheezle and I share our disdain for certain ones. I know he has waterless ones where he lives. I've never had to experience one of these so I don't know the horror of them.
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