Monday, February 1, 2010

an eBook isn't a book.

New eBooks will cost $12.99-14.99 on the i(maxi)Pad. Why are people willing to spend this much for something that isn't real. I believe these people would be the same ones choosing to stay in the Matrix rather than be freed.


  1. Its funny that you can get them (real) books for free at the libary or for a few bucks used online.

  2. I don't understand why people want tablets. I understand the iphone, and I understand the ipod, but I do not understand the ipad.

  3. Especially when the iPad is just a big iPod. At CES (Consumer Electronics Show) this year, they showed a laptop that was also a tablet. The screen just detaches. It was pretty cool and was announced before the iPad. Here's a link:
