Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hipster Movement

I hate hipsters. Southern AZ is practically filled with them. This is what it is like:

Now that being said, hipsters try to be this way. Legends have it that there are places where the people are like this not because they want to be, but simply because they are. It is as if they are stuck in another time...

How are the Hipsters elsewhere in the world?


  1. Why did you do this?

    And they are everywhere. I have the fear that when our generation is older everyone is going to believe that everyone was a hipster. Just like how everyone from the 70s is a hippie.

    Also, Hipsters killed my father and raped my mother.

  2. I gave a poster presentation the other day and a scientist from Sharp labs in Portland talked to me. I had a daydream today about living in Portland and I remembered the song from Portlandia. I then wondered if the people in Portlandia were actually like this or if they were hipsters. One thing then led to another...
