Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Dark and Vengeful Cloud God?

There is a new article on yahoo! claiming that a website called "" is the next big thing. In summary, it is a website that lets you upload documents to it so you can access them from anywhere in the world. What a novel and inventive idea that has not been done before (psych). Here is an actual quote from the article:

"Box users upload various documents and other content to the company's computer centers. Storing information this way, a concept often called "cloud computing," means it can be called up on any device with an Internet connection. That makes it easier to share with co-workers and other people."

I can't understand why this is new. I think that for this to be happening in such a messed up political/economic time as we are in implies that Cloud God may not be entirely pure love and energy, but rather could be a dark and vengeful god.;_ylt=AlmDOIhhFPhEfyKXrwbFM1hk24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTNkOW9nOWhxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMjI0L3VzX3RlY19pbnZlc3RpbmdfaW5fYV9ib3gEY2NvZGUDbXBfZWNfOF8xMARjcG9zAzkEcG9zAzkEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNpbnZlc3RpbmdpbmE-


  1. Naked came I from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither; the cloud god gave, and the cloud god hath taketh away.
